Sie sind hier: Berlin18 / Tagungsort / Anreise zur Technischen Universität Berlin

How to get to the Technical University Berlin?

Campusplan Berlin

A printable version of the map can be found here.

Detailed information about a barrier-free access of all buildings of the TU Campus can be found here:

Berlin offers a very good transportation infrastructure. A map of public transport can be found at the information desk on-site.

A detailed description of how to get to the university can be found on the website of the TU-Berlin:

For your individual arrival planning we recommend to use the websites of VBB and BVG together with their mobile phone apps for a mobile journey planner including a mobile ticket function:


VBB-App for iOS, Android and Windows

BVG-App for iOS, Android and Windows


A limited number of parking lots is available on Straße des 17. Juni. However it is recommended to use the public transportation system.


There will not be a conference ticket for public transport in Berlin.


Please consider for your journey the offer of Deutsche Bahn.