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“50 years of EPS”


Tuesday, 13 March 2018, 14:00 – 16:00, H 0104

The European Physical Society, founded in 1968 in Geneva, celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2018. The EPS Condensed Matter Division, which came into being shortly afterwards (in 1969), wishes to seize this opportunity to commemorate some of the remarkable events and milestones that mark the EPS’ history, to present a number of condensed matter highlights over this period, but, also, to focus on the role of the European Physical Society today and in future years.

Special attention will be paid to Condensed Matter highlights such as the CMD conferences and the Europhysics Prize. In order to have a fruitful discussion on the present and future role of EPS, as well as on the expectations you have with respect to the EPS, it is important that as many of us participate.

EPS activities will be introduced by the following speakers:

  • Rüdiger Voss (EPS President) 15'
    Federating the European physics community


  • Kees van der Beek (EPS-CMD Chair) 15'
    A Europe-wide Condensed Matter Physics Community


  • Araceli Venegas-Gomez (EPS Young Minds) 15'
    EPS Young Minds: 48 sections, one Project


  • Bart van Tiggelen (EPL Editor-in-Chief) 15' + 5'
    EPS as an umbrella for publishing in physics


  • Christophe Rossel (EPS Vice-President, Chair of the 50th anniversary committee) 15' 


The presentations will be followed by discussion in a round-table, question and answer-type format.

All are warmly  invited to participate in this event and in the discussion on today’s and tomorrow‘s role of our learned society.

Finally, in the light of the EPS 50th anniversary celebrations, if you have anecdotes, highlights, photographic or other material that you think would be enjoyed by all for the 50th anniversary of EPS, we would be extremely happy if you could .